These Are Some of the Best and Most Common Indoor Plants

Shopping for a new houseplant? Check out this list for ideas. Thinking of sprucing up that lonely corner in your living room with a fresh, oxygen-producing plant? Indoor…

12 Best Houseplants to Give as Gifts

These easy-care plants make for thoughtful and long-lasting presents. From housewarmings to anniversaries, holidays to dinner parties, houseplants make the perfect gift to celebrate life’s milestones. Many houseplants hold…

Inviting garden house embraces 15 Humidity-Loving Plants That Will Thrive in Your Bathroomindoor-outdoor living in Colorado

Go ahead, turn your bathroom into a lush, plant-filled oasis. Adding a live plant is one of the easiest ways to make your bathroom feel more spa-like, but if…

12 Colorful Houseplants to Warm Up Your Winter

Aѕ wiᥒter ᴄaѕtѕ itѕ ᴄhilly emƅraᴄe upoᥒ uѕ, there’ѕ ᥒo ƅetter time to ƅriᥒg a ƅurѕt of viƅraᥒt life iᥒto our homeѕ. Colorful houѕeplaᥒtѕ ᥒot oᥒly add a…

16 Beautiful Desk Plants To Liven Up Your Office

Plaᥒtѕ ᥒot oᥒly help your ƅoriᥒg life ᴄloѕe to ᥒature ƅut alѕo ᴄaᥒ traᥒѕform your liviᥒg ѕpaᴄe iᥒto a more eᥒgagiᥒg plaᴄe. Eѕpeᴄially, iᥒ the teᥒѕe aᥒd ѕeriouѕ…

These Are the Best Plants to Keep in Your Bedroom

Breathe some life into your space with these calming and decorative plants. Adding greenery to your bedroom can come with a lot of benefits. Not only can plants…

20 Types of Palm Trees You Can Grow Indoors

Most palms make great houseplants because they like what we like: warm temperature, average humidity, and moderate light. Native to tropical and subtropical climates, there are many types…

The 9 Most Popular Houseplants of 2023, According to Pros

Lush, colorful foliage is officially trending this year. Houseplants are nothing new, but they’ve been growing in popularity along with a renewed interest in bringing nature indoors and…

36 Unbelievable Variegated Indoor Plants with Patterns

Want to add a never-ending drama to your interior? Grow these 36 jaw-dropping Variegated Indoor Plants with Patterns! If you believe that plants make this world more beautiful, you’ll…

How to Grow and Care for Kris Plants (Alocasia)

Known for their large, heart-shaped leaves with attractive contrasting veins, kris plants can add a striking, jungle-like vibe to your space. And you know us: We’re always looking…